Sunday, April 12, 2009

Irresponsible parents

旅 行 社 接 受 七 女 童 報 團   家 長 不 滿
家 長 朱 小 姐 昨 日 向 本 報 表 示 , 其 只 有 15 歲 的 姪 女 與 另 外 六 名 同 學 , 參 加 關 鍵 旅 遊 兩 日 一 夜 的 廣 東 省 富 都 溫 泉 飄 雪 樂 園 團 , 每 人 團 費 逾 300 元 , 本 周 四 出 發 。 她 指 , 由 於 其 姪 女 年 紀 尚 輕 , 加 上 未 試 過 獨 自 出 門 外 遊 , 擔 心 她 不 能 應 付 突 發 事 件 。 朱 小 姐 又 質 疑 關 鍵 為 何 讓 一 班 未 成 年 女 童 報 團 去 旅 行 , 「 咁 細 個 去 到 咁 遠 , 有 事 點 算 ? 」

Why this can be a piece of news? Even if it is, the reporter should emphasize the responsibility of the parents.

「 咁 細 個 去 到 咁 遠 , 有 事 點 算 ? 」
This is right. But she is your daughter. How come you dont even know she would go travelling. Dont you care about her? In this case, I dont see you do.

So, the "niece"s' parent doesnt care about her daughter. Why the rest of the world should help you to care about your daughter?

The travel agency is just a business. They should have no moral responsibility in caring your sons and daughters. Some irresponsible parents in this city like to say the government, businessmen and strangers should help them to care their children. They never thought of caring by themselves.

By the way, the "niece" in this piece of news is 15 already. She is not young. If her parents thought that she is still incompetent to travel with her friends, maybe it is because she doesnt have family education. Thats why she in incompetence in this sense; and she doesnt like to talk with the parents, and thats why this piece of news existed.

Wait, the one who complains to the newspaper is her aunt. Where the hell are her parents?


  1. Which particular tour is this?

    Let me call 關鍵 to sign up...

    So many girls... So little time...

  2. 香港人:我唔理!我要投訴!

  3. pakman,

    That can be a selling point of the tour. Fuck. I missed the fucking great chance!


